!!! HIGH ALERT !!!
!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
The Book of Love
Remarks on the translation of some German expressions / On the notation of the verse extracts
Remarks on the translation of some German expressions / On the notation of the verse extracts
Remarks on the translation of some German expressions:
- "Anchor of salvation" is taken from the German "Rettungsanker" and corresponds to "sheet anchor" in a figurative sense (Foreword/4).
- The German word "Leibesmutter" means "Mother of My (Jesus) Body (of yore)", hence abridged forthwith "(My) Mother of yore" (Foreword/45).
- "Ur-eternal" is taken from the German word "urewig" and is used in the sense of "primal and eternal" (cf. footnote to 1/31) (1/2).
- "HERZENS-URGRUNDPOL" is the original German word meaning "Heart's Ur-Groundpole" (1/15).
- "UR" denotes as a prefix "original, earliest, prime, primeval", "UR-STATE" = "primeval state" (Oxford Eng. Ref. Diet., p.1588, 1995) (1/31).
- "UR-GRUNDPOL" is the original German word meaning "UR-GROUNDPOLE" or "PRIME GROUNDPOLE" (1/38).
- Satana as the first-created Spirit is both male and female. In some contexts as e.g. 2/54 "The Lost Son" or 3/7 "The Prince of Darkness", Satana is used as a male spirit. In most other cases such as "My first-created Spirit Satana", or "My Counterpole" etc., the Spirit Satana is used in the female gender (3/7).
- German: "UR-ZENTRAL-LIEBESFEUER" (7/37).
The verse extracts are quoted after the latest Revised Standard Version of The King James Text of 1951. The numbers before the slash indicate the chapter, those after the slash indicate the verse. Abbreviations have the following meaning:
OT - Old Testament NT - New Testament NR - New Revelation of JESUS CHRIST to
Jakob Lorber (1800-1864)
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