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!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)

Yes Or No to the Vaccine? Yes Or No to the Mark of the Beast? Yes Or No to your Creator God?

But you say regarding the End Times:
“Oh no that is not in this generation. That will be far in the future.”
Or: “God will understand. He is a God of Mercy“
Or: “My family has to eat, I have to have a job to pay the bills.”
Or: “We can not give-up what we have worked for all these years.”
Or: “The government has our best interests, our health and welfare at heart.”
Or: “I know God will forgive us for capitulating to the Vaccine & Mark.”
Or: “It is the future of mankind to advance towards a new era of peace, a brotherhood of nations, with an end of war and a civilization of love.”

No Sooner Will You Make Your Choice, That The Results Will Be Instantaneous And Irrevocable! There Will Be No Turning Back My Children! It will be too late to back-track, there will not even be time for regret, for those who take the Vaccine & Mark of the Beast, of their own volition!

The evil ones technology is far advanced, beyond your imagination. True they have given you some clues; an avalanche of flickering images (Movies, TV Videos), but you will not be able to fathom the speed you will change, your relationships with family members, former friends and neighbors. For they will morph in the blink of an eye. You will run with the herd towards the cliff of the Lake of Fire. Husband against wife, wife against husband, father against child, child against father, mother against all. Murders, cannibals, no longer fully-human, but monsters.

God The Father created you in the first place, you came from inside Him! You are the image and likeness of God. You must return to Him at the end of your time on earth. Your lives are like a passing moment in the arc of eternity. This world is passing away, it is exhausted from all the sins of the sons and daughters of Adam & Eve. Choose Well! Think On It Now! Decide For God! Not the snake king and his agenda of lies and eternal death in the Lake of Fire!


Covid-19 Vaccinations MEAN DEATH!

I was praying and fasting, regarding the Covid-19 vaccine during the time I’ve received this dream:

In my dream, God took me into the near future of America. I was overlooking America (like a birds eye view), and I looked to my right of America (the Eastside) and was overlooking New York State as well.. And I saw millions of people in America, had received the Covid-19 vaccine.

And also throughout America, I could see 5G towers monitoring VERY closely the covid-19 vaccinated individuals (victims).

When I saw this, I immediately asked God, “How are they completely connected to these 5G towers and the towers to them?” Right after I asked God this, He took me to a hospital in New York. There, I saw a doctor giving a patient, the covid-19 vaccine. (The doctor and patient couldn’t see me.) But while the doctor was injecting into the patient’s arm, the covid-19 vaccine shot.. I saw hundreds/thousands of little specs of microchips, [nanobots] INSIDE the covid-19 vaccine, flowing through the shot, and into that individual.

As the dream went on,
One thing got my attention immediately..was that the people who’d taken the Covid-19 vaccine, their whole body was glowing an odd color green. I asked God, “What does this mean?” And I saw the word, “radioactive”.

AND, upon seeing this..I also saw that they had extra super dark energy-that is, super demonic energy- attached to them!

Also, the word “LEGION”…was written all over them as well!

The Lord took my up higher in the dream (again birds eye view, but over looking America). And the million’s of people, who’d priorly were covid-19 vaccinated and being controlled by the 5G towers.. BEGAN to grow to be VERY violent and AGGRESSIVE, VERY beast like.. In fact, the news called it, “An outbreak” and that those same people (those with covid-19 vaccine in their blood) were deemed “INCURABLE”.

These (covid-19) vaccinated individuals, where EVERYWHERE (when the “outbreak” occurred)! There was NO LINE they weren’t willing to cross, (be it in, violence, murder, mayhem, ravaging, etc). . They were COMPLETELY and UTTERLY out of hand!

I was taken to a very disturbing scene:

A major city, in the mid-eastern side of America.. were infested with “incurables”..They were literally running all over-many on all fours-just like beasts! They were running out of a city, that they had priorly taken over, (I saw thousands laying dead all over the streets of that city.. the smell and sight was HORRIBLE!)

I saw then, that the same (CV-19 vaccinated) crazed “incurables” were ALL at war, with the EVERBODY, including the U.S. military! Looking down at the outskirts in this same city, it was a scene of COMPLETE utter confusion, torment and chaos! The US military soldiers were in the thousands, and armed with machine guns etc, were shooting (by the droves), all “infected” on sight!

The “infected” (so full of legion within themselves; in the hundreds of thousands), were throwing metal objects, rocks-whatever they could find-all against the U.S. Military..the “infected” were even jumping off of vehicles (they’d jump as high as 8-10 in the air) and tall objects to gain ground against the U.S. Military..

The “infected”, didn’t care to loose their own lives either! (As before mentioned..”there was no line they weren’t willing to cross..”)

I saw these “incurable” (CV-19 vaccinated) people were in the millions, everywhere in America, they were burning up, homes, cities, towns, neighborhoods..

During this “OUTBREAK”..that resulted throughout the U.S. Martial Law was issued, as the military soldiers each had orders to: “Shoot ALL incurables/infected ON SIGHT!”

The soldiers had to be in gathered in large groups at a time and use special automatic machine guns..because it literally took LOTS of bullets just to kill one “incurable” on sight. .

It was far worse on the East side of America too, especially because of the “most infected” cities there (as the media put it)..

Right then, seeing all this, I heard the Lord repeat 3x’s: “Covid-19 Vaccinations MEAN DEATH!

*Note: I told myself, for the Lord to use the word, “Death”.. I knew strongly in my spirit, He meant, ‘Eternal death’.



Prophetic Messages for the Second Coming of Christ

By our Father God of the Most High, our Saviour Jesus Christ and our Mother of Salvation Virgin Mary

Jesus: Hear Me now, My children, everywhere. The Swords of Justice will fall on those who fail to prepare adequately for The Warning.
My Flames of Divine Mercy, presented to the world to give each of you a taste of what the final day of Judgment will be like, is going to be misinterpreted by so many of you. This great day of The Warning draws closer by the month, so you must now put aside the time in preparing for My Divine Mercy.
Many, many souls will find it difficult to understand what this event really means. So many will, as a result, die of shock, which saddens Me, because for those who do not survive, it will be because of the sorry state of their souls.
Catholics everywhere, seek Confession now, if you want to benefit from My Great Act of Love and Mercy. Christians and other faiths, speak in silence, and tell God how remorseful you are, how much you regret your transgressions and ask Him to forgive you for your sins.

The Warning is close now. It is with great sorrow that I must tell you that many souls will not heed these Messages about The Warning. My Word falls on deaf ears. Why won’t they listen? I Am not only giving them My great Gift of Mercy, when I will shower My graces over the whole world, I Am also trying to prepare them for this event. Many millions of sinners will rejoice when they are shown My great Mercy. Others won’t get a chance to redeem themselves in time, because they will die of shock.

Random Message

876. When You Honour My Mother, You Must Visit Her Shrines and Pay Homage to Her There

Wednesday, August 14th, 2013 @ 15:15

My dearly beloved daughter, no living man can ever fully understand how cunning Satan is. In those he infests, know that they will never give you the impression of evil. On the contrary, they will be very appealing, humourous, authoritative and convincing when they reveal their sinful ways to you, so that you will be accepting of their deceit.

Those, within My Church, who pay homage to the evil one and who slavishly follow his instructions, will greatly confuse you by their holy demeanor. They will win many of you over to their ways, as it will seem to you that they truly honour Me and My beloved Mother. But know that every gesture and seemingly holy act will camouflage an insult before the altars, which are designated to honour My Name. You must know that when they honour the beast, they will present what will seem like holy acts before you, but they will be back to front. Their intentions will seem to be most holy and respectful, but do not be deceived.

When you honour My Mother, you must visit her Shrines and pay homage to her there. Those who love Me will go to her. They must never accept that My Mother can be commanded to the court of the enemies of My Church.

The other signs which the world will be asked to accept, which will seem to honour the Triune God, My Mother and all the saints, will seem to be good. But they will always be shown to you in a different way by the enemies of God. When the unexpected is presented, know that this is a great sign of the beast, who will fool the world into believing that he and his cohorts are saints.

Your Jesus

The Locutions

Messages from Heaven about the near Future of our World

Given by our Lord Jesus Christ and our Lady Virgin Mary

On December 10, 2010, Mary revealed the following message to a special soul:

I will soon begin to speak to the whole world. You will receive these words as you have received all the other words. You will write the words down and record the proper dates. You will take these words to [your spiritual director] for his discernment. If his heart discerns that these messages should be released to the world, they will go forth. He will correctly say that these are being given to one of his directees. The time is short and that is why I have moved you so quickly.

The editor of these locutions, Msgr. John Esseff, is a diocesan priest of Scranton, PA, ordained in 1953. In 1959, Padre Pio became his spiritual director. For many years Msgr. Esseff was the spiritual director of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Some years ago, Jesus and Mary began to speak through the gift of locutions to a special soul under his direction. Beginning on December 10, 2010, locutions were received that are meant to be told to the whole world. Msgr. Esseff has discerned the validity of these locutions.

God’s Final Preacher


God is always trying to lead man away from self-destruction. He sends his preachers. He sends his teachers. But these are snuffed out. Their words are not listened to and their invitations are rejected.

So, finally, he has sent me. I am his final teacher, his final prophet. I am his last opportunity to change the course of history. There is no one behind me, no other message, no other signs than the ones that I will give. When I tell the world that it must listen to me, I am not speaking from a selfish and arrogant spirit. I am speaking as one who sees the destruction, the hopelessness of mankind if my words are not heeded.

Preparing for the Coming Worldwide Darkness


This would be the ideal picture – two devout parents who fulfilled their tasks, loved their children and practiced their faith. What could be more perfect? What I say is that all of the conditions will change dramatically and that level of faith and goodness will not be enough. Even the person at this level of faith will not survive the satanic onslaught that will soon be released.

Another hour of darkness is coming upon the whole earth and there is only one place to survive, in my Immaculate Heart where God has stored up all my mystical favors. These favors are also for you.

Mary’s Heavenly Net


As a mother, I see all the needs of my children and I provide for them. What mother would see her children hungry and not give them food; see them crying and not try to console them? This is my promise, “Anyone who comes to me, for them I will make life more gentle”.

Come, I offer you a new life, a new existence, a freedom that you cannot imagine, a freedom which the earth cannot give you. I will surround your heart with the greatest purity. I will rip out of you all selfishness and will place the greatest love.

I offer you a new life, one that prefigures your life in heaven. O reader, let me lift you up. This is the only way that I can save you.

Do Not Delay


The fires will spread quickly, from one place to another. These are the fires of hatred and destruction. The oil of anger is everywhere and as soon as the flame is lit, there will be no walls that can keep it contained. Many who think themselves secure will suddenly find the fire at their doorstep and themselves locked in a house that they thought would keep them safe.

No one will be able to claim an untouchable piece of ground. The flames will sweep so quickly. Why do I say this now? So all will know that I have spoken ahead of time, when all seemed calm and no one would suspect what is ahead.

Random Locution

The First Three Steps

February 15, 2015


I must teach this way of light quickly because the darkness can already be seen. This path has only little steps, but it has great gifts. These I pour out on all who walk. This is the first truth. You do the little things and I do the great things. At every step, huge blessings await. This is why I must teach.

People think that they must do great things, especially as the darkness comes. Really, they must do only little things, but these acts are so important. They dispose and prepare the person for my acts.

The first little act is always faith, and faith comes from hearing. I speak. You listen. What happens to the word? You either accept it or reject it. If you accept it, then it enters your heart and you set out on the path of light. If you reject it, my word sits by the wayside, and you choose other roads, roads of darkness.

The second step is hope. “I am on a journey. Mary is with me. I will not go astray. She will protect me. If I fall, she will pick me up. If I fear, she will calm me. Even if I sin, she will lead me to forgiveness. It is different now. I am not alone. The Virgin is with me and she is my mother”. Such are the thoughts of hope, always casting out the darkness of doubts.

The third step is a choice, a choice of love, when your will embraces me. How many times and with such great tenderness, I have embraced you. But that is not enough. You must embrace me. Do this now. This great act of love seals everything. Once you embrace me, I will never let you go. I will always show up. I will intervene. When you embrace me, you give me permission to act as your mother.

You can see that this path is very easy but you would never have found it unless I revealed it to you.

The New Bible

Mankind Anchor of Salvation for the New Era on Earth

The New Bible is not only the coronation of the Old and New Testament. It is a beacon of the Holy Spirit and will surprise you if you reach for it. Because it not only harbors the secret of all secrets, the true way to ascend into His Heavens, but also reveals the guiding principal by which all mankind can attain perfection and thereby restore true peace on this Earth.

Love is the greatest power in Heaven and on Earth.

True, pure LOVE vibrating in deepest humility, while being sure to be good at nothing and for nothing without GOD'S LOVE AND GRACE, cannot and will never soar up to self-glorification; and since it would never try to grapple with self-love, but rather deliver it from its wrong bent of heart and bring it back to genuine Love, it will often find itself in an apparent disadvantage in front of Counterpole self-love.

Now, the POWER OF TRUE LOVE rests upon the perennial ORDER OF THE DIVINE SEVEN UR-QUALITIES in the HOLY TRINITY which will manifest itself only when there is the risk of a possible decline detrimental to all the children of My Creation. This is the moment when I, THE LORD OF CREATION, will interfere.