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!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)

A Worldwide Awakening

The Fullness of Evil and Good

Monday, May 25th, 2015

There comes a time of fullness, when all the events can no longer be contained. What was hidden becomes seen and then, everyone realizes that this is the “fullness of time”. Such is the nature of both good and evil.

There is the question of time. Which force arrives first? Which claims the victory? Is there time for retaliation, for reconquering what has been lost? All of these are burning questions which I will answer.

In the Middle East, this fullness of time has already come. The events have not been contained. They have spilled out now for years, after the relative stability was broken open by the Iraq war, a great evil which should never have happened. Suddenly, all the other evils began to surface and spread. The Middle East is engulfed in flames which have spread to Africa and will soon spread to Europe.

Learn from this lesson. Many other evil forces are boiling, in many other lands and in many aspects of human life. These evils just await a moment, a foolish decision or a combination of events to have their fullness of time also. Evil can be covered over for only so long. It forces itself to the surface, just waiting for its time. From this moment on, all human leaders are helpless. They are totally unable to turn back this fullness of evil that will engulf the world.

I must speak about another fullness, a good planted centuries ago in human history by the heavenly Father. This good, also, has been hidden but is slowly making its way to the surface, nurtured by the faith and sacrifices of so many, awaiting its breakthrough moment.

This is my promise. Although evil will break through first (and has clearly done so) and will win its victories (many have happened), when the loving fire of my Immaculate Heart is allowed to be released, the tide will turn. Unfortunately, there will have been many defeats, and much will take place that should never have happened. However, evil will not conquer the world. None of this will be accomplished by man. The victory will clearly belong to my Immaculate Heart and to the Catholic Church.

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