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!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)

Our Lady's Role

The Womb of the Elect

Sunday, April 26th, 2015

When human history comes to the end, Jesus will return in glory as king of kings and take to himself all of the elect. Who are these elect? How did they become the chosen ones?

In Jesus, all are chosen and given a name. All have a role to play and a task to fulfill. Jesus is the beginning and the end. All was created in him (the beginning) and all is created for him (the end). Only those who share His life can live forever in the kingdom. These are the mysteries I will now explain.

I am a mother who gave birth to Jesus and I am a mother who is right now trying to bring forth all my children, giving them this new birth. All holiness takes place in my womb, made holy by Jesus’ presence for nine months. This is the great mystery of becoming a chosen one. All must enter my womb to be born again to new life. This is the heavenly Father’s plan for this age, the revelation of the great secret and the unfolding of His plan.

The Father always intended a worldwide salvation where everyone knew they were chosen and they, in turn, could easily choose to accept their election. Needless to say, the Father’s plan has not unfolded. What should have been preached has not been preached. What should have been shouted from the housetops has not gone forth. So, I must use these little locutions to reveal the great secrets.

My womb is the most special place in the whole world. The Holy Spirit in his fullness descended upon my womb. The Son of God, in his fullness, lived in my womb. What the womb of Eve was supposed to be by nature (as mother of the living) my womb became by God’s favor. I am the mother of the living and of the elect. You can only understand these present events by reading the story in Revelations.

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