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!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)

Our Lady's Plan for Saving the

The History of Atomic Weapons

Thursday, May 8th, 2014

What began when that atomic mushroom cloud rose over Japan? Man had unleashed the ultimate weapons of war, the power to destroy earth and all of its inhabitants. After mankind had spread to every part of the globe, no power could destroy the human race.

Yes, the heavenly Father led the human race to constantly explore, to go forth to new regions and to populate every continent. In this way, mankind was safe. Even if wars or calamities claimed many lives in one part of the globe, the human race would survive in another.

With the atomic bomb, man now held in his hands the power to reverse God’s plan, to destroy all the continents and all peoples and to wipe mankind off the face of the earth.

For decades, man has had this ultimate weapon but has not used it. Only the Woman Clothed With the Sun has held this back. Now, these weapons have fallen into hands that are more ready to use them. These weapons will be available to more and more. Can no one see the great precipice that mankind teeters upon?

I needed a strong and vigilant America. Instead, Russia stole the secrets and quickly joined the club. Other nations wanted to share these powers. Soon, there was a group of nuclear nations – the haves and the have nots.

Did they not think that others would want to join the club?

Now, many nations cling to their nuclear weapons, as if they could guarantee safety. Others look forward to the day when they, too, will have these powers. Is not this picture true? Look what has happened since August, 1945. Do you not need the Woman Clothed With the Sun?

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