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!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)

True Devotion of St. Louis De Montfort

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

I move about the world, always trying to make my presence felt, inspiring those who turn their hearts to me and filling them with divine wisdom so they make all their decisions in the light. What I am doing by these messages is to offer this light to all. A person does not need spiritual sensitivity. By these words, they know my thoughts. They do not even need to be seeking me. By these words, I seek them. This is the extraordinary purpose of these words. The help that I give regularly to devout people I give now to everyone who reads these messages.

Yes, O reader, I want to influence you. I want to enter your life. I want to guide you. I am your Mother, even if you do not yet know me. Even if you have not yet awakened to the woman who would bring you forth to birth and nourish you at her breast. I say “would bring you forth” because for some this has not yet happened. Let me explain.

Everyone has a physical mother. All spent months in her womb and came forth from her womb. Concerning this, you had no choice. Everyone also has a heavenly mother who would bring you forth to heavenly life, but this you must choose.

So, I invite you right now to choose me as your heavenly mother. Once this choice is made, all my powers of being a mother begin. Also, as you constantly choose me to be your mother, as you ask me each day to be your mother, my care and protection over you increases. This is the secret which I am now revealing to you.

You are a child and you need to be nursed. As you grow, I will help you to walk. And as you come to adulthood, I will guide your every step. This is called “The Secret of Mary” and has been revealed, especially to St. Louis de Montfort. I call all to learn this “True Devotion”, so that the spring of living water is yours. Learn it now. Do not delay. So many helps and favors are not distributed because people do not know about the True Devotion of St. Louis de Montfort. Read his books and they will open your eyes to hidden treasures.

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