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!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)

In the Middle of a War

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

Upon all of the events, I will place my hand and Satan’s power will be quelled. I do not say extinguished but the full evil will not pour out. Satan would seek a total destruction of all creation, an end to human history before my Son returns in glory. This is his jealousy. Satan sees my Son exalted to the Father’s right hand and there is an eternal competition which will last forever. He did not submit to my Son in the beginning as the Word of the Father and he does not submit to my Son, as the Word made Flesh.

By my accepting the role of being the Mother of Jesus, I was placed in the very middle of this conflict, which has raged from the beginning and will rage forever. In truth, all human beings are also caught in the middle of this eternal war. This is the problem with all of human history. This is what I have been trying to describe over and again. Let me place this in easy words so all understand.

In the beginning, before material creation, God created the angels and reveled to them his divine plan, that he would bring about a material creation and that his only begotten Son would take flesh and would be the Lord of all creation, spiritual and material. In this way, both angels and men would be united forever with the Father. In Lucifer’s heart, a jealousy arose because he was the greatest light among the angels. Now a grater light would come from the Father’s side, and even though he would share in this light, he would not be the greatest creature. Instead, a human nature, formed for a woman, would take precedence. His pride rebelled. Under these conditions, he would not serve and war broke out in heaven.

Michael cast our Lucifer and all who had adopted his spirit of pride. He cast him down to earth, the very earth where this humanity would be formed. This was his greatest torment, and he is totally committed to the destruction of the human race. Every human person is caught in the middle. What can be done? I also am in the middle and I offer to all the only safe haven in the middle of this war – my Immaculate Heart.

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