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!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)

A World Receiving Divine Glory

Sunday, July 10th, 2011

The whole world can receive the divine glory. This is what I am preparing for, a gift come down from heaven that will touch every heart, a divine illumination, in the interior part of every human being.

But that event must be prepared for. The Church must be aware. The people must be told. But who will tell them? What preacher is adequate for this task? That is why it has become my task to prepare the world through these teachings.

I will be very specific, even though I speak of future events. I will give exact teachings, even though I am speaking of experiences that are familiar to few. Let us begin.

First, there will be a period of signs and wonders. This should alert people to the coming manifestation. Unfortunately, the world will remain in darkness. However, because of worldwide communications, individuals will have access, both to my words and to the news about these manifestations (which have already begun, especially at Medjugorje). At least, part of the world will be prepared. Even some secular media will note these events, not from a religious purpose but merely because they are newsworthy. This, too, will further my purposes.

Now, I will describe some of the forthcoming phenomena. I will appear to many of my little ones. People will hear these reports and wonder how this could be true. Each of these will be a little spring of devotion, some larger and more known than others. This, too, has already begun to happen.

I will also begin to touch the hearts of secular people. These will be good people but not known for their religious faith. Their stories will be told. People will learn of their religious conversion and of the sincere, Christian lifestyle which they have adopted. This, too, will be a special witness of the events to come.

Finally, the graces will be even more widespread. There will be religious stirrings in the hearts of many who have set aside their faith. They will be led back to devotions.

I say all this for two reasons. First, the Church must be prepared to respond. Second, as each of these graces is given, all must be ready to believe.

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